
Teaching Objectives of the Department of Archeology,

1- Conducting scientific research in Anatolia and Thrace
2- Sharing the information obtained with the scientific world in domestic and international scientific platforms
3- By sharing the knowledge and experiences they have gained with our students, to provide them with the ability to examine, analyze, discuss and develop comments based on scientific evidence with social science research methods, concepts, ideas and data related to the discipline of archeology.
4- To raise individuals who are aware of the cultural values ​​of our country and who protect our cultural heritage.

Program Outcomes of the Department of Archeology,

1- Has course materials, applied tools and materials, research methods and techniques applied in field studies, and advanced theoretical and applied knowledge supported by other sources based on the competencies gained in the field of archeology
2- Collects, analyzes and applies information about the field of archeology
3- Evaluates and synthesizes the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of archeology with a critical approach
4- It protects the universality of social rights. Protects historical and cultural heritage
5- Monitors and shares theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of archeology
6- Uses advanced combinations and technologies together with the computer software required by the field of archeology
7- Observes ethical values ​​in studies related to the field of archeology
8- Have the ability to present the theoretical and applied knowledge gained in the field of archeology
9- Works independently as an individual or takes responsibility as a team member to solve complex and unforeseen problems encountered in the field of archeology
10- Follows the theoretical and applied information in the field of Archeology using a foreign language and shares this information with experts and non-experts in the relevant field.

Archaeology Department has:

Scientific research and ethical values,

Professional ethical awareness,

Have social and environmental awareness,

It is people oriented,

ıt is aiming to train graduates who can follow the developments in the world in their field,

It adopts an understanding that aims to raise individuals who work for the development of society in all areas.

This content was issued on 09.09.2022 and has been viewed for 610 times.